Over time, through genetics and age, we can develop many unwanted blemishes which can often affect confidence and quality of life. Whilst most blemishes are now considered cosmetic, it doesn’t mean they can’t or shouldn’t be treated. Short wave diathermy, is a safe, effective and affordable option to remove any blemishes on the surface of your skin and the results are life changing.
The sensation can be described as tolerable, and as it uses heat, the feeling of heat applied to the skin.
During an in-depth consultation, I will discuss your skin concerns with you, how the treatment works, pre and post treatment aftercare. Providing aftercare is followed the risk of scarring can be minimal and avoided. Often in time, there will be little to no evidence of the blemish ever having been there. And in the meantime blemish, smooth and fresh appearing skin.
Book a consultation to find out more.
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