FAQs Laser

What laser do you use?

What laser do you use?

At AM Laser & Skin, we use a diode laser to remove unwanted hair. A diode laser is suitable for all skin types. A diode laser uses a single wavelength of light, unlike IPL which uses a broad spectrum of light and cannot be used on all skin types.

How does laser hair removal work?

How does laser hair removal work?

The laser emits a light which is absorbed by the melanin(hair) beneath the skin, this light turns into heat and destroys the hair follicles beneath the skin. The hair follicles which can be destroyed at the time of the treatment are the hairs in the early anagen phase (growing), they are the hairs which are attached to the bloody supply and thus will receive the heat of the laser.

Will laser hair removal work on white or red hair?

Will laser hair removal work on white or red hair?

No, white, red and light grey hair will not be picked up by the laser as there is no melanin (pigment in the hair) which means the laser light will be deflected by these hairs. Laser will only work on hairs with pigment, as they are the hairs the laser light (heat will be absorbed by).

Is laser hair removal treatment painful?

Is laser hair removal treatment painful?

The machine used to conduct your treatment uses Crystal Freezeā„¢ technology to cool the treatment area and make a more comfortable experience for you. Some describe the sensation like an elastic band flicking your skin, or a short and small heat sensation on the skin. Ice packs are also used for pre and post cooling to help numb and cool the area before the heat is generated in the skin (the sensation you feel is from the heat generated from the laser).

What level of hair reduction can be achieved?

What level of hair reduction can be achieved?

We can aim to achieve anything up to an 80-95% hair reduction in a treatment area. Results will vary person to person, and is dependant on the individual.

How long do you leave between appointments?

How long do you leave between appointments?

You can leave between 4 to 12 weeks between sessions, depending on the treatment area and how many sessions you have had etc. Your treatment plan will be discussed with you at your consultation and throughout the course of your plan we will review timings between appointments. Your journey will be tailored to your individual needs to achieve the best results.

How many treatments will I need?

How many treatments will I need?

I recommend an average of 8-12 sessions. However, each individual is different and some people may require more sessions due to hormonal changes resulting in hair growth. Men for example tend to produce more hair and as a result may require more sessions than the average woman.

Will I need to maintain my results?

Will I need to maintain my results?

It is recommended after your treatment plan has finished, you return once or twice a year to ensure any new hairs that may appear are treated. The laser is only able to treat the hair in the growing (anagen) phase, this is why multiple sessions are required to treat all of the hair as not all of the hairs are in the anagen "growing" stage at one time. The multiple sessions are required to treat the hair folliciles that will complete their growth cycle and return to the growing stage.

Will I need to maintain my results?

Will I need to maintain my results?

It is recommended after your treatment plan has finished, you return once or twice a year to ensure any new hairs that may appear are treated. The laser is only able to treat the hair in the growing (anagen) phase, this is why multiple sessions are required to treat all of the hair as not all of the hairs are in the anagen "growing" stage at one time. The multiple sessions are required to treat the hair folliciles that will complete their growth cycle and return to the growing stage.

FAQs Short Wave Diathermy

What can you treat with short wave diathermy?

What can you treat with short wave diathermy?

  • Moles
  • Warts
  • Verrucas
  • Skin Tags
  • Cysts
  • Xanthelasma
  • Syringoma
  • Milia
  • Facial Thread Veins
  • Spider Navai
  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia
  • Cherry Angiomas (Blood Spots)
  • Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
  • Pigmentation Spots
  • Seborrheic Keratosis

How does short wave diathermy work?

How does short wave diathermy work?

A low level of electrical current, heat, travels through to a fine needle which is then applied to the said skin blemish. The heat cauterises the blemish tissue removing it or in the case of a mole, reducing its size and appearance. The fine needle tip ensures precision and minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. It also prevents the risk of unnecessary or severe scarring.

How long does a treatment take?

How long does a treatment take?

Using short wave diathermy treatment to remove a skin blemish is not a lengthy and agonising experience. In actual fact it is quick, manageable, safe and effective way to treat many different types of skin lesions. Appointment times vary depending on the blemish and amount of blemishes, for one tag it can take literally as little as a minute.

What can you expect after short wave diathermy?

What can you expect after short wave diathermy?

Dependant on the blemish, and the clients healing capacity, in the days after the blemish has been treated it will scab over, and heal in the coming weeks. You will be asked to keep the blemish dry for a short period of time, and the beauty of the treatment is the little to no downtime.

Will some blemishes require more than one session?

Will some blemishes require more than one session?

Depending on the blemish and its size, some may require up to 3 sessions of treatment. During your consultation this will be discussed with you when analysis the blemish type and size. The key to ensuring the least amount of scarring and damage to the skin, is by treating safely effectively and allowing time for the skin to heal.

How does short wave diathermy work?

How does short wave diathermy work?

A low level of electrical current, heat, travels through to a fine needle which is then applied to the said skin blemish. The heat cauterises the blemish tissue removing it or in the case of a mole, reducing its size and appearance. The fine needle tip ensures precision and minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. It also prevents the risk of unnecessary or severe scarring.

How long does a treatment take?

How long does a treatment take?

Using short wave diathermy treatment to remove a skin blemish is not a lengthy and agonising experience. In actual fact it is quick, manageable, safe and effective way to treat many different types of skin lesions. Appointment times vary depending on the blemish and amount of blemishes, for one tag it can take literally as little as a minute.

What can you expect after short wave diathermy?

What can you expect after short wave diathermy?

Dependant on the blemish, and the clients healing capacity, in the days after the blemish has been treated it will scab over, and heal in the coming weeks. You will be asked to keep the blemish dry for a short period of time, and the beauty of the treatment is the little to no downtime.

Will some blemishes require more than one session?

Will some blemishes require more than one session?

Depending on the blemish and its size, some may require up to 3 sessions of treatment. During your consultation this will be discussed with you when analysis the blemish type and size. The key to ensuring the least amount of scarring and damage to the skin, is by treating safely effectively and allowing time for the skin to heal.

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